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GEO ExPro (2021)

Article in GEO ExPro vol. 18, no. 5, written by Kirstie Wright and Henk Kombrink on the North Sea Core initative and the need for industry support to help us continue out activities.

Geoscientist (2020)

​Article in the Geoscientist Magazine vol 30, no. 10, of the Geological Society of London, writen by Kirstie Wright and Henk Kombrink on North Sea Core CIC and our activies, including how we are supporting the future of geoscience.

Energy Voice (2020)

​Article on Geoscientists from Lloyds Register as they look to the future following the closure of their department, including Henk Kombrink and development of our North Sea Core CIC organisation.

Geo.brief (2019)

The Geo.brief is published by KNGMG, The Royal Dutch Geological Mining Society and in the first of its 8 newsletters for 2019 they featured an article by our own Henk Kombrink on the core salvage initiative that started North Sea Core. Please note this article is in Dutch.

PESGB Magazine (2018)

Written by Henk Kombrink and describing the early stages of the core salvage operation (as it was in November 2018) and that prompted the formation of the North Sea Core initiative.



PETEX Conference (2021)

​Presentation by Kirstie Wright and Henk Kombrink on the North Sea Core initative t0 promote our activities and encourage sponsorship at the PETEX Conference held by the PESGB in London.

Core Values Conference (2021)

​Presentation by Kirstie Wright and Henk Kombrink on the North Sea Core initative at the Core Value Conference held by the Energy Group at the Geological Society of London.



GEO ExPro August 2022

Article on the "Biggest Flooding Event in North Sea Geological History" looking at Rotliegend core overlain by Zechsteinkalk held by North Sea Core CIC.

GEO ExPro October 2022

Article discussing way up indicators in sedimentary geology using Ness Formation core examples held by North Sea Core CIC.

GEO ExPro December 2022

Article on the Upper Jurassic submarine fans from the UK South Viking Graben and the variety of depositional systems as illustrated by the Brae core samples of North Sea Core CIC.

North Sea Core


Discover Geology with LEGO

A Lego based activity created by Dr. Stephanie Zihms to communicated how geologists use outcrop and core data to understand the subsurface, including synclines, anticlines and a simple oil reservoir.

Earth Exploration Toolbook

Collection of online Earth system science activities with scientific data sets and analysis tools that enables users to explore some aspect of the Earth system.

Earth Learning Idea (ELI)

Extensive catalogue of activities across the earth sciences to support teachers in all levels of education and in number of languages. Additional educational resource links, blog, research and publications.

Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU)

A national provider of CPD in Earth science to UK teachers with an extensive list of teaching resources.

Education GeoSource

Compilation of geoscience education resources from a variety of organizations, providing free Earth and Space Science resources, from lessons to outreach and teacher professional development. Supported by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI).


A free educational outreach project for schools developed and run by the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of St Andrews, with a sister project at University College London.

Geological Society of London Teaching Resources

Collection of free educational resources from the Geological Society of London, includes rocks and fossils, geological hazards and geological time.

International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD)

An organisation dedicated to creating access and inclusion for persons with disabilities in the Geosciences through a range of resources and research available to academia, industry and the public. Includes the Diversity in Geoscience UK (DiG-UK), a newly-established UK chapter of IAGD as the Geological Society of London.

International GeoScience Education Organisation

Aims to promote geoscience education internationally at all levels while enhancing the quality of geoscience education and raising public awareness of geoscience. Includes teaching activities (links to Earth Learning Idea), learning best practice and free geoscience textbook resources

Micro My Earth

An extensive website that catalogues a wide range of geological resources, including textbooks, software, webinars, virtual thin sections and field trips and much more. It is also possible to share your own educational material with the website.

Teach Earth Science

A range of earth science activities and resources for 8-14 year old school students. Created by the Science Partnership which is a collaborative project lead by the California State University, East Bay and the Alameda County Office of Education.

Teach The Earth

Online resources for educators in the geosciences and related fields, include classroom activities, course descriptions, information about pedagogical strategies, topical collections, and more. Managed by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with support from the Science Education Resource Center (SERC).

Open University Geology Toolkit

An interactive Geology Toolkit by the Open University, featuring a geology timeline, rock analyser, rock cycle, landscape features and safety tips.

Geoscience Education



Aims to provide open-source geological data and visualisations for researchers, educational institutions and the general public. Led by Adam Cawood and Clare Bond at the University of Aberdeen.

Earth Science Education Unit Virtual Rock Kit

A database of images of a range of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks created by the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU). Includes exposure, hand specimen, close-up, thin section, x-polars and rock in use.


Contains a collection of structural geology images and is sponsored by Tectask, the Commission on Tectonics and Structural Geology of the IUG.


A repository and viewer for >100 high quality virtual 3D geological outcrops and geoscience models from across the world which are free to use for non-commercial teaching and research purposes. It is part of a long-term initiative from the Virtual Outcrop Geology (VOG) Group which is based in the NORCE Norwegian Research Centre in Bergen, Norway, and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 

Virtual Field Trips

Interactive field trips across the globe on a range of topics run by Arizona State University.

Virtual Fieldwork Project

Contains a number of the field trips run by Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton, with each module including a series of panoramic and 3D images on a range of scales. 

Virtual Landscapes

A range of mapping exercises, 3D geological and topographic maps provide by the University of Leeds.

Virtual Microscope

Has a vast selection of virtual thin sections and accompanying hand samples from collections that are currently held in museums, universities and other institutions around the world.

Virtual Geology


British Geological Survey (BGS)

Wide range of datasets available through the OpenGeoscience portal, including Maps and Sections, Thin Sections and Research Reports. Onshore and Offshore data can be searched through the Map Viewers which contains geological maps, geochemical, geophysical and engineering information, subsurface data, GIS layers and more. The Offshore Hydrocarbon Wells Database which contains >300 km of scanned core material and >4.5 million cutting samples from ~8000 wells.

Faroese Geological Survey (Jarðfeingi)

Surface data from petroleum exploration on and around the Faroe Islands, includes a range of core, well and seismic data, in addition to GIS shapefiles. Please be aware not all data is available online or for free.

Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)

Database of largely onshore boreholes across Sweden, with additional GIS layers of information. The Geological Survey of Sweden has on ongoing project at the national drill core archive in Malå to scan ~200, 000 meters of drill core from Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Details on the project, the core scans available and how to use the map view are available here.

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)

This is an international marine research collaboration which has conducted a vast number of research expeditions throughout the world's oceans. Access to a wide range of databases is available through a number of portals, with data geochemical, petrophysical and core data. Additional legacy DSDP/ODP/IODP core data can be searched via this map.

National Virtual Core Library (NVCL)

An impressive database of over 1,000,000 metres of core from over 3,000 boreholes across the seven Australian Geological Survey jurisdictions. The data is available through the AuScope project, with more information here.

North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA)

Access to a wide range of material, including relinquishment reports, information on offshore wells, CCS and hydrocarbon licence rounds and awards, offshore boundary polygons and subsurface data, such as seismic volumes and wireline logs. Available through the Open Data portal and the National Data Repository (NDR), most data is available for free or can be viewed online. Please note, industry, academia and the wider public may have to register to search, view and download disclosed information.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Access to a wide range of products and data, including geological maps, publications, images and GIS data. Well data can be searched via the USGS Well Catalog or by looking through the available Links to State Well Data. Core data can be found through the Links to Core Repositories. The curation and availability of data varies across the individual geological surveys. 

Data Repositories

Company Number: SC661048

© North Sea Core CIC
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